I do apologize for the fluctuated frequency of the updates on this blog so I believe frequent readers have gone somewhere else.
But there's no point of me repeating my apologizes at almost every blog post therefore I guess you get the idea that this blog will not be flooded with pictures like it used to and also nonsensical scribbles and rants about you.
People who know me, know that I am at Singapore for good. And people who have no idea, you know now.
And reading back at the preserved archive of this blog, I have not been saying much about this place.
Lots has happened, the struggle and the pride shares its fair amount on the weighing scale. I have gone through not too much of a dramatic struggle nor it was a breeze in executing assignments as procrastination is an eternal habit. So the last few hours are plus point in boosting my enthusiasm. But last minute work are a big no no, your final product not only speak for your talent, it also speaks for your effort. You can never lie to lecturers who are armed with a large amount of experiences.
And not to mention how a classroom it self stimulates a battlefield with individual army with their own talent, polishing their sword and armory to outshine you. You might be inspired to do better, or be extremely demoralize or maybe you could not care less.
Besides the healthy competition, there is more than that. I came in contact with all variety of people. Just great to not elaborate further, human meet human, whats so special you want to know? Met a handful of awesome people, and my high school perception about people can be erased immediately in a count of three.
Those aside, I still have yet to bum into you.
Every time I make a trip down to town, I keep a small hope to my self that there is a possibility.
I know we will bum into each other one day.
Its the wee hour in the morning and I am done scribbling on the keyboard.