The Ultimate Guide

Your bible to fine eateries in Singapore, but be patient, I am a student.

Monday, December 22, 2008


class party is tomorrow. WOO! OKAY.

tidbits, and a present for gift exchange. TOP PRIORITY in the shopping list man.

okay okay, i am quite done with the pangkor picture already. i have a few more series which I will do it within this week.

I find that i really love to take photograph of people, because that will mean the world to them. Unless they call it ugly, but they will say their self and will say it is not about my skill. Aichocho, I still got a long long way to go too. =D

Hmmmmmm, next up. Is portraits series only.

-Portraits of Joanna Foo

-Portraits of Charmaine Cheng

-Portraits of Liza & Yih Shan

And that is the end of the photo-loaded season of my blog. HAHAHA!

I am so saving for a flash for my dslr now! And polarizer! And lens hood for my zoom lens! And...(okay the list goes on)

But the flash is my craving for now!

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